
How To Create Facebook Account Using Yahoo

Yahoo Registration To Create Facebook Account Free –

Yahoo Registration is one of those Mailing accounts that almost every interested user of Social Media Account wants to have. And in this post, we'll be making it very easy for you all to understand the process of Yahoo Registration To Create Facebook Account Free.

Yahoo Registration To Create Facebook Account Free -

As you can see that we are talking about TWO (2) different account which includes: 1* Registration and 2* Facebook Account Sign Up. So in other to get this Facebook Account with Yahoo Email Login, we have to first create A Yahoo Mail Account Fast.

Requirement for Yahoo Registration To Create Facebook Account Free

Before we can start creating the first Account, you should understand that you really need an Internet connectivity in any of the device (Smart Mobile Phones and Pc) you want to use, as well as this below:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Mobile Phone number
  • Email Address name (for example, or

Once you have this listed above requirement available, then you are one steps away in creating both your Yahoo and Facebook Account.

How To: Yahoo Registration To Create Facebook Account Free

  • To Sign Up Yahoo Email Account Free
  1. Visit or
  2. Since you Don't have an account, click on Sign Up link under the Yahoo Sign In Form
  3. Fill the information that includes: your First name & Last name, Email Address, password, Mobile Phone Number, Birth Date, Gender
  4. Click on Continue
  5. Now you will be required to verify your Mobile Number and to verify your mobile number, click Text me a code (or Call me with a code).
  6. Check your mobile device and get your Account Keycode.
  7. Back in your desktop web browser, enter the Account Key in the "Code" field, and click Submit code.
  • To Create An Account On Facebook Free
  1. Visit
  2. Create an Account by filling the Facebook Registration Form at the homepage that includes:
    1. Your First name & Surname,
    2. Mobile number or Email Address (Note that at this point is where you can enter the Yahoo Email Address you just created),Create Facebook Account Free With Yahoo Mail Account
    3. Enter your Password,
    4. Choose your Birth Date and
    5. Select your gender
  3. Click on Create An Account after entering the required details.

CONGRATULATION! At this point, you have successfully Sign Up Yahoo Email and Create a Facebook Account For Free. Now what comes next is to LogIn your Account to connect and share with the people in your life.

  • To Sign In Facebook Account
  1. Visit Login and Sign Up Page
  2. Enter your Email or Phone and Password at the top right side of the page
  3. Click On login to finally start Accessing your Account.

Welcome to Facebook Account, now you own an account on Facebook, you can start sharing, Posting, Commenting, Chatting and more with friends and loved once. Please note that you can always use the comment box below for any SOLUTION.

How To Create Facebook Account Using Yahoo


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