
Warframe How To Create A New Character

Two ways for you right now:
1. Build new warframe. Buy a bluepring from the market, collect the resources and parts and put them together. I would recommend using Warframe wiki[] to find where each frame parts drop.
2. Make a new account and pick another starting frame. Not advisable.

if you want easy to obtain frame bps and you picked mag or excal as your starter then a clan dojo is a good choice. since the tenno lab holds part bps for volt,banshee,wokung((not worth it tell late late game cuz nitan)) and nezha edit: and bps means blueprints justtttttt incase you didint know. ^^

Last edited by DemureDoll; 3 Apr, 2017 @ 9:22am

Originally posted by Vulbjorn, the walrus rider.:

Two ways for you right now:
1. Build new warframe. Buy a bluepring from the market, collect the resources and parts and put them together. I would recommend using Warframe wiki[] to find where each frame parts drop.
2. Make a new account and pick another starting frame. Not advisable.

Why is making a new account not advisable? Just curious cause I made one awhile back to start over with a friend.

Last edited by Sketch; 3 Apr, 2017 @ 9:54am

Originally posted by Sketch is Random:

Why is making a new account not advisable? Just curious cause I made one awhile back to start over with a friend.

Mostly because it's messy for the user and it's not that hard to get a new character with your main account. It's not prohibited, it's just at the end you'll end up with 3-4 different accounts with random amount of stuff on each.

yeah I know where you are coming from but I think I will go with a new account.

Originally posted by Siahnara:

yeah I know where you are coming from but I think I will go with a new account.


Dude it's not worth it.

Originally posted by Ratatoskr:

Originally posted by Siahnara:

yeah I know where you are coming from but I think I will go with a new account.

Dude it's not worth it.

How isn't it worth it? I was having fun starting over.

Originally posted by Sketch is Random:

Originally posted by Ratatoskr:


Dude it's not worth it.

How isn't it worth it? I was having fun starting over.

He started the game. Probably played one of the frames to level 30 and wants to play a new frame.

Might as well just build a new one rather than start a whole new account to play one of the bland starter frames (yes, excal, mag and volt are bland. Mag plain out sux)

I think having more than one account is against the ToS or something. Bannable.

Originally posted by Walrus-Sama:

I think having more than one account is against the ToS or something. Bannable.

No. Only if you use them to try to exploit the game (farming plat discount coupons for example). Long story short, as long as your accounts don't interact or trade with one another, it's completely acceptable.

Originally posted by Ratatoskr:

Originally posted by Sketch is Random:

How isn't it worth it? I was having fun starting over.
He started the game. Probably played one of the frames to level 30 and wants to play a new frame.

Might as well just build a new one rather than start a whole new account to play one of the bland starter frames (yes, excal, mag and volt are bland. Mag plain out sux)

It doesn't sound like he got very far, I doubt level 30. And he wouldn't be able to make different frame for awhile assuming that. So no reason to not restart. Also mag doesn't suck, she can do a lot of damage with the right set up and mods.

Originally posted by Ratatoskr:

Originally posted by Sketch is Random:

How isn't it worth it? I was having fun starting over.
He started the game. Probably played one of the frames to level 30 and wants to play a new frame.

Might as well just build a new one rather than start a whole new account to play one of the bland starter frames (yes, excal, mag and volt are bland. Mag plain out sux)

mag sucks? PAHAHAHAHAHA you have not seen a mag that was built properly then.

I would like to mention I m not lvl 30 with my (I think I am a mag)

This problem is keeping me from playing the game.

I played the game briefly a long time ago. I'm interested in trying it again, but I logged in and I have no idea what's going on. I don't even know what I'm looking at, let alone know what to do about it.

Normally when this happens I just start over so I can learn the basics of the game again, like in every other game ever made. With this game, that's not an option apparently.

Hopefully this problem will be fixed someday so I can try the game again.

Warframe How To Create A New Character


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