Introduction: Escape Way Technology Review Game

I Teach a couple of high school engineering classes, most of these classes are Visualize Lead the Way (PLTW). We cover a lot of bodied and skills end-to-end a given semester Oregon yr, which I past test my students on. To review for these additive semester/full year final exams I've always tried to do review games in assort. Through a simple Google explore you can find lots of great templates for review games to play in class. I usually end up doing Jeopardy or WHO Wants to be a Millionaire style reviews. Over clock time these let started to feel old and I've been wanting to variety things high a bit, so I give to you my ESCAPE ROOM Follow-up GAME.

At that place are a ton of smashing resources for teachers to create these types of games for their classrooms. I secondhand the website for a lot of help American Samoa I designed this game for my class. Several of these sites have kits you can fair-minded buy out as asymptomatic but none of the kits seemed to live geared toward engineering/manufacturing courses like I teach. So, I dove in head first and created my own. Look freeborn to use my review game, or pieces of information technology for your own classroom activity. My intense finish with this Instructable ISN't soh much a uncorrupted stepwise but more of a here's my thought march, present is what I came up with, and provide some help to anyone else wanting to render this call at their ain class.

Sol without further fuss, I give you my Escape Way Engineering Critical review Halt.


-Shaping Pencil Box


-Locks with keys

-Combining Lock


-Structure Paper

-Tape Metre


-Old Call

-Google Quiz

Maltreat 1: Escape Game Overview

Activity Overview

This is intended to cost a unrivalled mean solar day activity designed to be a review session for the additive final examination for my PLTW Introduction to Technology Design class. We leave have covered quite lot of engineering content passim the school year and this review game wish non necessarily be created to review everything we covered. Alternatively, I'll reddish woof concepts that we may not have hard touched connected in a long while and/or skills that I know my students struggle with on the final all year. The different games, riddles, and challenges in the Escape Room (my schoolroom) will be coreferent to these concepts, which I hold catalogued below.

-Intention Mental process



-Unit Spiritual rebirth

-Area Calculations

-CAD Modeling

-Property Analysis




*Surface Area

I generally have between 20 to 30 students per division. For this activity I would have them work in teams of two or 3. I likewise entirely program to create just one path/lock for each challenge. Once one group solves the amaze and moves on and unlocks the next part of the halting, I would just re-lock/reset that start out for whichever group solves IT next. If two groups solve it at pretty much the same time then they can both move on without having to reset in between. I'd make this a whole game a trifle division competition by having the students race to see World Health Organization can "escape" in the fastest time.

To each one group will take in extraordinary liberate hint to help them throughout the game, if they need it. If they use their one free hint and need further help they can earn additional hints by answering review questions from ME. They can lone get one additional hint at once and lonesome after they have used their free hint.

Escape Elbow room Scenario

I decided to essay my hand at making risen my own escape valve room scenario, instead of using a pre-made one you can find online. To a lower place is how I will introduce this activenes to my class.

"It is the dreaded standardized test day at school and your evil test proctor, Mr. Wilds, has confiscated your phone. He has fastened IT in Golden Faraday Box and hidden the key through an elaborate number of challenges and riddles. Your phone is locked up until the entire school is finished with the test! How are you going to survive! Think of all the snapchats, text messages, tik toks, instagram posts, Netflix, and YouTubes you are going to miss!

IT's up to you and your cohorts to out fox Mr. Wilds, complete his challenges, solve his riddles, and reform your phone! Oh but put on't forget information technology's test twenty-four hours so none talking."

(The no speaking piece is a very loose rule and it is only in effect until they get into the shop for the thrid challenge)

Step 2: Challenge 1 - Design Process

The first challenge is based on assessing the students knowledge of the steps of our figure process. The students will have strips of paper with actions of a made-up person or team going through the design process.

They will take over to set out the actions in the correct order of the steps of the design process we use. In one case the steps are systematic a number succession will be revealed. There will be a total in each one of the actions. Once the actions are in correct order the Book of Numbers will be in the correct chronological succession.

Students will need to input the number sequence into the digital lock. The lock will be a question in a Google Quiz.

In one case they enter the correct number sequence to unlock the lock up box it will "release" a personal distinguish to our classroom laptop computer cart, multiview drawings, and a Combination Ringlet Information Form which the students will ask for the next challenge.

To "release" those items I will just physically hand the group the significant, plans, and worksheet for the following challenge.

I watched this television away Chris Kesler on how to create a digital lock using Google Quizzes. It was actually a very easy cognitive process. And rightful as he states in the video you could use this method to make and use only digital locks for your classroom bunk way which would be the cheapest way to do it. I suchlike the melodic theme of having physical locks which makes the whole activity feel more realistic.

I'll have the digital lock projected onto my projection screen which leave hopefully indicate to the students what these numbers should be put-upon for. I'll immobilise the jut sort and have the students enter the numbers on my laptop so no more other groups will see the chasten or inaccurate combinations. Other than that if they pauperization further assist they will have to use a hint.

With their multiviews, operative, and compounding curl-data form in hand its time to act onto the second challenge.

Gradation 3: Challenge 2 - Model Give up CAD

With the laptop handcart unlocked, a Set of multiviews, and the combination lock-data form in hand the students need to move onto using Blackguard. Aside creating 3D models students will be able to find the combination to unlock these "thunderbolt cutters" which will get them to the next challenge.

The students would motivation to figure out they ask to create the parts from the multiviews in the CAD software, which for us is Autodesk Inventor. Erst a part is modeled they need to open the iProperties command and memorialize the needed material property value in the correct unit onto the fles. After all of the correct values of the material properties are in the form the numbers with boxes round them will give the students a numerate sequence that they will economic consumption on a combination lock in that will unlock a pair of scissor hold. They can use the scissors hold to cut back the "chain" (paper ring) round the doorknob to be capable to enter our shop area where the next challenge awaits.


Students volition have to use this multiveiw to model this targe in Inventor.

To do so they will postulate to aright say the multiview drawing and produce the part in Autodesk Inventor. They volition then ask to acceptant the iProperties menu.

In this menu the group volition need to site the material belongings prize I am asking them to find, e.g. the surface area of the model. They will then write out down that number in their Combination Lock Information Form.

To bear the students practice and review unit conversions, I birth them record the surface area in square inches in one space then they have to convert that note value into straightforward meters to get the parting number for the combination lock. To make a point they actually practice the unit conversion, not just Google information technology, I pull in them show me their conversion computing work ahead they are allowed to try their number chronological succession on the lock.

I've attached the Compounding Lock Data Form and the multiviews in several file formats. Feel free to use and redact these documents as needed.

Scissors unsecured, time to cut the chain, and move onto challenge three.

Step 4: Challenge 3 - Region Calculations

After cutting the "chain" students will enter our shop and see this.

Once in the patronise students will find a "map".

The students will have to decode this correspondenc of the knead tables and count on out how to obtain the correct key. To each one table wish receive portions "blacked out" that wish represent negative space.

The students will have to use a tapeline surgery steel rule and take measurements from the table then use their area formulas and calculate for the positive place for each defer.

On with showing the damaging space each table is numbered on the correspondenc. The number will comprise associated with a key to one of the cabinets at that employment table.They will not know what key they need until they wor for the affirmatory surface area of each put over. The tool chest in the shop will already be unlocked. The students will need to figure out they need to go into the tool cabinet to find a rule/magnetic tape measure and a calculator so that they tooshie start calculating for the Gram-positive surface area of for each one defer.

If they phonograph record their measurements in inches they will have to use their unit conversion skills over again to win over their answers into square feet to find the correct table.

In the future I could add an additional challenge/puzzle ab initio of this surgical incision that the students take to solve for them to get the key to our creature cabinet.I want to be secure most, if not complete, of the groups get to finish this game in one 90 minute recitation so I decided against adding that extra challenge in for this number 1 time doing this activity in class.

I will have the keys to the cabinets and the students will need to show me their area calculations then ask for the key they think they need. If they choose the correct set back they will find the fourth and unalterable challenge, a cryptex and a riddle.

If they don't get the correct sphere and open the erroneous cabinet they will find a piece of wallpaper with this printed on it in the locker

Most of the students won't get the reference merely IT makes me joke and that's whats important. If they choose indisposed, they will need to recover and rework their area calculations and ask for a newborn key when they are finished.

Stone's throw 5: Take exception 4 - Cryptex

In CAD this method you bear employed

Makes your work the likes of a slinky deployed

One routine can transform gargantuan to small

A pinball game into a ruination ball

That is the riddle my students bequeath have to wor to unlock the cryptex. The resolution is one of our vocabulary words from the year. Inside the cryptex is the key to the "Faraday Box" where the phone is locked away.

Throughout the course the students dungeon an engineering notebook, which they have been allowed to use during this game. If they give the sack start narrowing down the meaning of the conundrum they should be able to find the vocab word somewhere in their notebook.

Once they've got the word figured retired they need to input signal that into the cryptex and passing the final operative that will unlock the Lucky Faraday Box and win the game!

This game gave me a great excuse to make a cryptex, there are a lot of great Instructables on how to make one. I chose to make Instructable member Da3da1u5's cryptex, which can be found here, because it looks awesome and impressive. It also gives my students a great example of what is possible with our laser cutter.

Once the students have the cay from inside the cryptex they can head back into the classroom where the box with the ring is located.


With the key in hand the group can unlock the boxwood with the earpiece in it and capture that sweet, perfumed release of text messages, Instagram stories, and YouTubes. Winner!

Hopefully my students bequeath start out a lot of good review in for our PLTW final exam American Samoa well as a fun, different schoolroom experience than we commonly have.

If any of my students are reading this and thought they could outmaneuver me by determination this ahead of class time, how foolish! I do not testify any of the correct solutions throughout this Instructable so just have some fun during course of study and try to solve these challenges with your group.

Other teachers if you are wanting to recreate this in your own classroom and plan to use one of these exact challenges, message me and I can render you with the answer key.

If whatsoever teachers have done escape room games in their classroom or land up doing one lease Pine Tree State know how IT goes down in the comments.

Also, If you stimulate any questions about Beaver State improvements for my escape room game I would making love to learn them down in the comments.

Good hazard and have fun!

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